While many people think that telemarketers, (the workers that actually make those annoying cold calls we all hate) hate it when the caller hangs up on them because we would hate it. In actuality the telemarketing industry is not based on whether the telemarketer converts a caller. In the cold calling business it is all about the numbers! Some small percentage of people called actually are interested and will buy whatever the telemarketing company has to offer. So the key to success is calling the most people to increase sales. Think of it this way...If 3% of the people called don't hang up. Of that 3% we will say that 1% buys or agrees to the offering, so out of 100 calls 3 people will listen to the pitch and 1 person called will buy. So if telemarketer calls 1000 people she will make 10 sales. When a not interested person hangs up quickly the caller simply thinks "thank you for not slowing me down". Telemarketers look for needles in a haystack, they do not convert hay into needles! That is for a salesperson and most cold callers are not sales people.
Here in lies the fun part. Instead of hanging up on telemarkters, I chat with the, but completely off topic. With a little practice anyone can quickly learn that the telemarkter is not accostomed to this and has very little skill when talking outside of the script infront of them (the good ones memorize it and sound 'conversational'). Believe me when I say that unless there is a script of some sort, even an outline or flow chart of some sort, the cold caller has nothing to say. It is in the training. They will try some of the most feeble attempts to "get up back on the script". Do not acknowledge anytime they ask a question. Simply ask a question yourself. Your question should be somewhat related to the subject matter at first, but after 2 mins of this I usually have to step it up to keep there interest. If the telemarketer thinks that I am full on crazy they hang up and move on.
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